Hey, I’m Steph

I’m the founder of Destination: Dream Job.

I have always felt like an outsider.

When I was younger, I wasn’t girly enough to fit in with the girls but wasn’t boyish enough to fit in with the boys.

Growing up, I was so clearly different from my family, I often wondered if I was adopted.

I went to church and asked questions and was told to never question your leaders.

I tried out 32 jobs in 15 years trying to find a place to land, and until now, I never found it.

 I spent 2 years running a non-profit and it was the closest thing to feeling like a fit, but with a toxic work environment it didn’t last.

When I was laid off in 2020, I took some time to really think about what I wanted. I decided to jump full-time into business as a resume writer and later a career coach.

I am the definition of a misfit.


It took me several years to really figure out the audience I wanted to serve. I created Destination: Dream job to serve other people who have felt like me.

Maybe you don’t feel like you fit in at work, you don’t know what’s next, you feel so different that you will never find a place to land.

I get it.

Our company was created just for people just like you.

We are looking forward to being a part of your journey on this adventure called life.

Meet the Team

Hey, I’m Steph and I am a Career Coach.

I love helping people who feel like they don’t belong clarify their goals, develop a strategy, and take action toward a fulfilling career. I have spent years trying to fit in but I now believe that fitting in is overrated.

I hold a Bachelor of Social Work Degree and am a Certified Resume Writer and Interview Coach through Career Professionals of Canada. I hold a certificate in trauma-informed care because everything is connected and the support I have received from trauma-informed practitioners has made a huge difference for me.

I am excited to be here on your journey. I look forward to supporting you in the next stages of this adventure we call life.

Hey, I’m Victoria, I’m a Resume Writer & Career Coach.

I believe in the power of a well-crafted resume as a personal marketing document and excel at uncovering my clients' unique value propositions to position them as invaluable assets to hiring managers.

I am a Certified Career & Resume Strategist through Career Professionals of Canada with over a decade of experience in career development.

I have been trained by top talent mobility organizations, focused on staying updated on the latest trends in resume writing and employment strategies to ensure my clients receive the most effective services available.

I am looking forward to working with you on your career strategy!